Top Pet Reptile Facts

Many common pet water turtles are cold water species. Pond sliders, red-eared sliders, painted turtles, map turtles, and most other species of temperate water turtles should NOT have heated water with an aquarium heater warmed to tropical fish temperatures. 80 degree water can cause health problems and promotes rapid bacteria growth. Exotic tropical turtles do need heated water. Visit the ARR Climate Guide here.
Use vitamin and mineral supplements sparingly with reptiles. It is very easy to overdo it with supplements, causing hypervitaminosis and metabolic bone problems. Feed a good, well-balanced diet instead of relying on supplements for good nutrition. Visit the ARR Supplement Guide here.
Most reptiles don’t need overnight heat or lights. Night temperatures fall more than 20 degrees almost everywhere in the world. Room temperature is fine at night in most cases. Visit the ARR Climate Guide here.
Most snakes and some amphibians don’t need UV light. Most lizards and turtles do. UVB lights produce the needed UVA in addition to UVB, but UVA lights do not provide UVB rays. Without both UVA and UVB, many reptiles cannot synthesize or process Vitamin D3.

Never rely on commercial foods alone. Use only as a supplement in between feeding quality fresh food items. Vary the diet as much as possible or risk nutritional disorders. Visit the ARR Nutrition Guide here.
Know what your reptile needs and find the appropriate diet and supplement. Avoid over-using vitmain and mineral powders, and buy the correct product for your pet. Visit the ARR Supplement Guide here.
Reptile hot rocks do not heat uniformly, and hot spots can cause thermal burns to your pet. Place a real rock in the cage under an appropriate heat lamp to make a basking spot. Otherwise, an electric skillet would be an equivalent option. Visit the ARR Climate Guide here.
Like any other pet, your reptile should see an exotic veterinarian for a check-up on a regular basis. Especially important if your pet is sick or injured. Don't try over-the-counter treatments for parasites or illness. You are just wasting money and prolonging proper treatment. Find a herp veterinarian near you here.

It is illegal, unethical, and immoral to release a captive reptile pet that is comfortable with and reliant on humans into the wild. It is never, ever acceptable to let your pet go or dump them outside. Abandoning or neglecting an animal is a crime. Don't leave your unwanted pet with someone else that doesn't want them. Don't abandon them in empty structures with no heat, food, or water. These are acts of animal cruelty and punishable by law. Visit the ARR Laws & Wildlife page here.
Reptiles do carry many bacteria and pathogens. This is NORMAL for reptiles. They are not sick and don't require treatment in most cases, but if you don't wash your hands, you might. Reptiles are safe to keep assuming you use your head and common sense. Don't keep your turtle on the kitchen counter. Don't hibernate your reptiles in the refrigerator with your food. Wash your hands. Clean the cage. Duh. We can't give you a link to this one. It's all you.